NW588 Reinforced Update


So I’ve updated Night Witch: 588. I thought it was fine on release, but after checking it after a gap I realized it just didn’t feel too good to play. Besides, I have learned a lot about making games look good since I released NW588, so I decided to apply some of those fx onto it. In the end, I believe it’s become a better game. It’s not perfect by any means, but it’s certainly enjoyable, unique, and interesting. Oh also, I've thrown in some never heard before voice lines and a loading screen because I'm kind like that.

 Without further ado, the patch notes:

  • Added a loading screen and extra lines for Natalya
  • Added an audio detection delay that’s shorter the louder your engine is
  • Increased plane glide distance and speed with engine turned off
  • Increased HP by 25%
  • Buffed cannon muzzle velocity
  • Added a multitude of post processing fx to bring some extra visual flair into the game
  • Fixed an unholy number of bugs.

    Combined, all of these balance changes make the game easier to play stealthily while full speed play takes more skill to dodge cannons, whereas I found that it was actually easier.

    The rest of the changes on the other hand were targeted to increase Quality of Life and get the game to feel better in ways you can't do with just balance.


    NW588 Reinforced[x64] 109 MB
    Jun 24, 2020
    NW588 Demo 0.2 [x64] 104 MB
    Jan 19, 2020

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